Saturday, 28 September 2013

What am I doing?

Well, I’m getting a bit of work as a window cleaner...

Not exactly where I saw my career heading, but the tone of my blogs would suggest I haven’t exactly had buyers knocking my door down to purchase the metal art. The past two months have been particularly frantic and left little opportunity to develop the artwork, or do any blogging for that matter.

Seeking employment and a new place to live has been the priority. I have no funds to invest further in aspirations – so the priority now is long-term survival. Thanks to Telstra’s lousy service, I’ve spent weeks without access to Internet and email. Adding to despair, my mobile went on the blink too, so I lashed out and bought a $38 Samsung replacement. “iPhone”, you say? More like “iWish”…

We have found somewhere else to live. It’s comfortable, very kitschy, and a long way from where I saw myself being. The grand plan (in my mind anyway) was to be working and living in a purpose-built studio by now, engaging in a blend of activities – predominantly artwork, some tutoring, the odd graphics job, a bit of exercise, a bit of socialising, family, getaways – achieving an imagined potential.

I can see it, I can feel it, and I can dream it. If it is happening, it’s very slow and not all that apparent.

That’s where the vision board comes in. I have mine on my desktop. I see it every time I’m at the computer. I like looking at it. According to many successful people, the imprinting and positive reinforcement of goals into your subconscious mind is key to attaining what we would like. As such, we should stop consciously stressing about everything and let the subconscious mind take over.

So why window cleaning? I did do a spell of kitchen design, but since then this is all I’ve been able to get. So much for the vision board and my subconscious… The picture of the window cleaner is interesting I think because it looks good from a design perspective, but also because it takes pride of place in the master bedroom of our new address! This is also the same image my wife Arlene had in her bedroom when I met her almost eight years ago to this date, and the same image I had above my work desk at my previous address. Amazingly, the window-cleaner owner made the connection when he visited just before the move, and up until then I hadn’t noticed the coincidence, or even that the silhouetted image bears an uncanny resemblance to me.  

To counter this, and for aesthetic reasons also, I have put one of my artworks entitled ‘Tin Green Bottles™’ up on a wall in the new dining-room. My concern now is I will develop a taste for Heineken and end up an alcoholic.